Led Flashlight

Monday, January 14, 2019

Handheld Spotlight

Myths About Solar Lighting System That Needs Urgent Busting

Non-renewable resources of the Earth are draining at an alarming pace. Not much is done about renewable resources either, that may get depleted following irresponsible uses. In the midst of this vicious circle of destruction and depletion, the least that humans can do to preserve our planet is to switch to Handheld Spotlights that are not only the cleanest and the greenest lighting solutions but is least demanding on resources as well.

The sad truth is, certain myths circulating about solar lighting per se have impeded its progress and demand in the domestic perimeters. Here are top 4 myths that need immediate busting so that people are enlightened about solar lights and are motivated enough to make the switch as soon as possible…

Myth 1: They are of no use beyond equatorial / tropical regions

There is some truth in the belief that solar lighting system is best in locations that receive unimpeded sunlight for the greater part of the year. This though, does not mean that these lights are useless in locations (especially those in the temperate regions or towards the poles) that receive comparatively less sunlight.

These days, top companies manufacture evolved solar powered lighting solutions that are not only designed for quick charging, but also retain charge for long while offering optimum performance. 

Myth 2: Solar lights are not powerful enough

Solar powered lighting systems these days can produce anywhere from 65 to 90 lumens per watt, which reflects potential of these systems in tune with regular LEDs and in stark comparison with conventional yellow bulbs. Be it solar flood lights or desk lamps, users can be rest assured that power of illumination will never be compromised.

Myth 3: The installations are weak

It is in fact, the other way round. Solar powered lights have come a really long way and have a very bright future ahead considering that the manufacturers have elevated their standard of production and harmonized the cost and quality parameters to very agreeable extents. It is therefore, possible to locate sturdy, durable, low maintenance and high-performance solar lighting system that will offer perfect value for money.

Myth 4: They are not aesthetically pleasing

Solar lighting fixtures for long, have borne the allegation of being strictly unattractive and thus, unsuitable for domestic perimeters. This is not true. If you look through the catalogues of top providers, you can find very attractive options both for interiors as well as exteriors.

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