Led Flashlight

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Solar Lanterns

 5 Quick Changes to Make Your Home Environment Friendly Instantly

One small step at a time is all you got to take in the direction of making your home eco-friendly. This is also one of those decisions that you will be really grateful for in the very near future when you witness your bills lowering and your health and overall wellbeing improving like never before. If you are wondering where to start, here are a few quick changes that will help you in making your home environment friendly literally instantly…

Switch to solar lighting systems – 
This is the first and the most impactful change that you can embrace right away. Solar Lighting System are well known for being the cleanest and the greenest source of interior and exterior illumination. They are also widely in demand for not being dependent on conventional sources of energy which reflects directly on your lowered power bills.
Remove plastic from your premises – 

Plastic is one of the most commonly used materials in homes and is primarily seen in innumerable different forms in kitchen storage containers, disposable crockery / cutlery etc. If you switch to more natural and biodegradable materials like bamboo etc, you will do your environment a big favor

Never forget to switch off – 

This applies even if you are using solar lanterns / lamps. Forgetting to switch lights or any other electrical appliances off after using the same can lead to unnecessary drainage of energy. In fact, careless acts like leaving your chargers on the power outlet with the switch on while the device to be charged has been removed can cause useless power consumption.

Always buy appliances with 5-star energy rating – 

Be it washing machines, air conditioners, dishwashers or even vacuum cleaners for that matter, it is necessary that you buy appliances that come with 5-star power rating. Appliances with 5 Star power rating require minimum energy to offer maximum efficiency and thus lead to low power drainage and are thus less demanding on your power source.

Learn the art of reuse – 

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle… This should be your mantra when it comes to making your home more eco friendly. Say for example, an old towel you are least likely to use any more can be re purposed as a kitchen towel to wet wipe counters, floors etc. Similarly, old clothes like jerseys etc, that are too worn out to be donated can also be turned into reusable wipes.

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